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Duty calls Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 8039 words) [2/7] show all parts

Author: Anonyed
Added: Jan 07 2011Views / Reads: 1259 / 1088 [86%]Part vote: 9.67 (3 votes)
Dave is in full pursuit of skirts while on a 2-week tour of duty at the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver. Lots of build-up to satisfying sex scenes.

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In Part 1, Dave started his two weeks of duty working at the Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver with a ‘bang' - having sex with two beautiful Northern California women on a secluded portion of a nude beach. Dave was happy to spend some time on the West Coast - his job as a jet flying instructor on the Prairies was great, but opportunities to meet pretty women were severely limited in the little town he was stationed in. As we rejoin the story, he is starting his second week, with the time flying by all too fast.

************************************************************************ **

Dave surveyed the scene before him at the "Bay of Pigs." At his age (mid 20s), he felt decidedly young here tonight. The place was crawling with cougars and desperate-looking middle-aged divorced men, and he was starting to rethink his decision to hang out here tonight. One of the Corporals from the recruiting centre had told him that pickings were easy here - the bar was actually called something else, but its location near English Bay in downtown Vancouver had given it the Bay of Pigs moniker.

Certainly, he was enjoying the night life in the big city, but he was also finding it lonely to be by himself in the bars. He was about to pack it in when he noticed a woman looking at him from across the bar. ...

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