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A Stormy Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 2313 words) [2/8] show all parts

Author: Panthese Picture in profile
Added: Dec 20 2000Views / Reads: 1707 / 1353 [79%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
A little clean up and a good time in the bedroom.

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I walked up the cold wooden stairs, just now noticing their icy feeling against my bare feet. My body trembled slightly as I ascended to the first floor, shivering with the now cold air. I walked through the dark house, knowing it well and found my way to the second set of stairs. They were very old and creaked heavily with each step up the spiral to lead me to the long hallway of many doors. The double set of ornate oak doors led to our room. The floorboards creaked with each of my slow footsteps. My breathing echoed in my head it seemed as I focused on the double doors.

I reached out in the dim light to open the door and another shattering crash followed by an eerie flash plundering from the sky made me jump and scream inadvertently as the hall lit up briefly with that cold white glow from the power of electricity from the now raging storm. I caught my breath and held my naked chest for a moment, feeling my heart pounding through my well padded breasts. I took a deep shaky breath and opened one of the doors, closing it softly behind me. The sound of hard rain hitting the bay window of the lavishly styled bedroom teased my ears and I watched the rain expecting another loud crack, but it never came. The four poster bed looked large and inviting in the dark room, but I knew I had to go and take a bath and wait for you. I thought of you, you loving eyes and firm hand, I shuddered and sighed breathily as I walked across the oriental rug to the door leading me to the bathroom.


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