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Sandi's most recent Master/Slave experiencethis story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 2735 words)

Author: philogynist
Added: Feb 15 2011Views / Reads: 2054 / 823 [40%]Story vote: 9.40 (5 votes)
I find it very difficult deciding what category to list our adventures under because most of them involve many of those listed. This is the stroy of a Master/Slave party that Sandi and I attended just a couple of months ago but it has mf, ff, bondage, exh

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Master/Slave Party

As you'll know if you have been reading the Sandi Chronicles, my work provides us a very comfortable lifestyle but it keeps me away from home quite a bit. I am married to the most amazing woman who keeps us both charged up and stimulated even during my absences. She is a highly sensual, sexual, completely bi-sexual little number with a perfect body which she likes to use and show off. I one hundred percent support and actively encourage this. She keeps it in perfect condition by running and spending three to six hours a week in the gym. When I am away she plays then shares all of her adventures with me on the phone, internet or Skype. When I am home we play even harder. She is a sexual adventuress who will try almost anything at least once. Almost anything.

One of the things she likes most is role playing. For this reason we have many games we play. Over time I'll tell you about all of them because they really are fun, and very naughty.

We are blessed to have a very interesting and eclectic group of friends. After many years in the swinging Lifestyle and expanding our group in other ways, we have access to some unique venues that we wouldn't normally have. Two months ago we received an invitation from some of these special friends to a special party. A "Masters and Slaves" party. Fortunately for me the party was to be held on a date that I wasn't ...

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