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It happened one Night...this story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 1089 words)

Author: shadypony
Added: Feb 22 2011Views / Reads: 2977 / 1505 [51%]Story vote: 9.33 (15 votes)
A short story about a sensitive subject.

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There is a subject that I have been wanting to write about for quite a while now, and have always been unsure how to approach it.

Most stories with this nature of content are usually a bit more hard core and can sometimes leave you squirming with awkward discomfort mixed with a slight curiosity. Other times it can send a Hard On packing and make a woman run for the shower to wash the words and images from her mind.

This one may give couples and average Joe's like us a different and open view to this ageless fetish and bring a new pleasure to our sex lives.

It happened one night... My husband and I were lounging at the Television after work, relaxing with a few cocktails. We were having a wonderful evening and enjoying each other's company to the fullest. It was one of those nights when you just click and fall into the same frisky mood together.

I took another sip of my cocktail then announced to my husband that I had to pee. I kissed him playfully and hurried to the bathroom. I sat on the pot and did my business, wiping dry and chatting up my hubby through the open door.

Next thing I know, he appeared in the bathroom standing in front of me as I sat on the toilet. "Open your legs so I can pee between them!" he ...

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