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Bound to Pleasethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:bondage, 1913 words)

Author: tarnishedbright Picture in profile
Added: Feb 23 2011Views / Reads: 647 / 372 [57%]Story vote: 8.00 (4 votes)
A submissive finds that much pleasure is intended by her Dom during a hike and a camping trip...

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Bound to Please by TarnishedBright

On a sunny afternoon, you join me on a hike back into a forest of oak, birch and sycamore, to a place where most people rarely go. As we pass down the trail under the trees, I play with you now and then by reaching under your clothing, and exploring your warmth, and getting you all hot and bothered in the process as we walk along.

I pause every few minutes to bare your breasts and kiss and lick and nibble and suck at them for just a moment or two, or to twine my fingers into the hair at the back of your head and face your lips upward for a teasing kiss.

Finally, we reach the spot I've planned to stop at, and I lay a soft thick blanket out on a flat rock jutting up between two trees. I'd slowly strip you completely naked and lay you back on it and tell you to play with that hot little flower while I get things prepared - with instructions not to cum until I say. Then as you eagerly begin to pleasure that wet and puffy little pussy, I take several long lengths of thick soft black rope from my pack, and with the two shortest I tie a well anchored loop about six feet up on each tree. I tie the long lengths to your ankles and wrists and just below your knees, and around your waist, and pass the ends from each side of you through the loop on that side's tree.


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