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Sex Clubthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:group, 2574 words)

Author: tarnishedbright Picture in profile
Added: Feb 23 2011Views / Reads: 7082 / 3359 [47%]Story vote: 8.50 (2 votes)
A bi sub' enjoys a wild visit with her Dom to a very permissive club...

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Sex Club by TarnishedBright

I've dressed you in a snug vinyl high-necked jumpsuit that reveals your form nicely, and has a velcro tear flap at each of your breasts as well as one between your thighs. It has thicker bands at the waist, wrists, elbows, ankles, and just below the knee with sound metal rings fastened at each point. I've also fitted you with a soft red leather collar that bears a ring at the back and at the front. You're also wearing red leather ankle boots, but nothing else.

I'm dressed in black denim pants, a black belt and black leather boots, and black leather chaps and a leather vest. I carry a leather satchel about the size of a briefcase, the contents of which are unknown to you.

As we enter, the hostess bids us welcome and I request a table in the middle of the room near the back. We can see, in the low amber light of the chandeliers and wall sconces, that number of couples and small groups are already lounging on the couches and in the booths, and quite a few are openly engaged in heavy sexplay.

A girl is straddling one guy in a booth, her mouth open as we pass her, and her hands spread on the surface of the table as she moves up and down on his cock, and then she holds herself in place as her body shakes from the impact of his thrusts while another male, who is seated ...

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