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Author: EdFreckman Picture in profile
Added: Mar 02 2011Views / Reads: 9355 / 7616 [81%]Part vote: 9.55 (44 votes)
Drunk wife crashes husband's poker game and has fun with his friends.

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It was Friday night and I had the guys over to play cards. They were all old friends of mine. All guys I had known since high school. It was me, Eric, Jeremy and Trevor. We played poker every Friday night. We were now all 32 years old and had played cards like this for years.

My wife Jo went out with her girlfriend Amy that night. Around 11:30, she was dropped off by Amy. It was pretty obvious when she arrived that Jo was drunk. Really drunk. Slurring her speech and giggling. Jo is the same age as me and we had been married for 8 years. She was still so damn hot. She had shoulder length wavy blonde hair, soft smooth milky white skin and blue eyes. She was about 5'8 and had a curvy figure, a slim waist and breasts that were (barely) encased by a size 35D bra.

My friends would sometimes flirt with her and she'd flirt back. I figured it was harmless. Trevor was kind of a pervert and he would be the one to usually take it furthest. Trevor had married his high school sweetheart but never stopped hitting on my wife. One night about a year ago, when she was wearing a low cut top, he suddenly blurted out, "Shit, you've got nice tits!" She giggled, pulled down her top a little further and stuck her tongue out him before leaving the room. The guys were always making little comments about her tits or her nice ass. I didn't mind. In fact it kind of turned me on to know that after all these years she was still so desirable to other men....but it was me that she loved. ...

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