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Prom Nightthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2196 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Mar 03 2011Views / Reads: 1629 / 1175 [72%]Story vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
Having caught her boyfriend with another prom girl, Sandy goes off in a huff, wanting revenge. Eventually ending up in the hotels storeroom, she encounters two suitable guys.

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Having worn a maroon sleeveless dress to the prom night, in the hope of getting off with my boyfriend, Roger, I was now feeling quite cold, empty, and very miserable, after catching him with Julie, the prom slut. Feeling as upset as I was, I walked out of the hall and down some side steps, leading to who knows where. And right now, and as hurt as I was, I didn't have the where with all to care. I just wanted to find somewhere to sit down, and mope for a while.

Eventually I ended up in the hotels storeroom. And noticing some level boxes arranged on the floor, I sat on them and snivelled. ‘How could he, and with her,' I said to myself. Then, and from some way behind me, I heard a noise, followed by a man's voice: "Hey, what are you doing in here?" He asks me, as he lowers the box he's carrying on his shoulder. "You're not supposed to be down here," he informs me, as he places the box with the others. "Yeah, sorry, I'm not feeling too good," I tell him. "Aren't you supposed to be upstairs with that prom?" He indicates. "Yeah, but I'm pretty pissed off right now," I tell him. "Okay, but your in my office. I could get in a lot of trouble," he rejoins. "Can I just hang around here for awhile?" I miserably say.

Just then another worker comes in. "Woe, what's she doing here? Don't tell me, another one of your girlfriends," he remarks. "It's not like that," he exclaims, looking over to his colleague, as he approaches us. "She's from the prom night, upstairs and seems a bit upset," he continues. "Okay, so why aren't you upstairs dancing and having a good ...

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