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Seaside Frolicsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:interracial, 5484 words)

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Mar 13 2011Views / Reads: 5907 / 4374 [74%]Story vote: 9.78 (9 votes)
A divorcee goes on holiday with some friends and their families; but one is big and black and horny.

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Seaside Frolics

With out going into too much detail my ex was a controlling bastard and as soon as we were married 7 years ago he moved me and my son from a previous relationship to the other end of the country and by hook or by crook made sure that I lost contact with my old friends and pretty much my family. As soon the house was sold and the details were sorted out we moved back ‘home.' Apart from my re-uniting with my elder sister I didn't know where to start finding my old colleagues and friends.

I'd never really bothered with Social-Network sites on the internet like Facebook and Friends Re-United until my divorce just over a year ago but my 15 year old son Frankie suggested that I look up with some of my school friends and old workmates.

He set everything up for me on the computer and I more or less forgot about it as I searched for a new job. After a couple of weeks he asked if anyone had responded to my profiles and we checked them out together. I was amazed at how many people remembered me and I spent a couple of hours a night for weeks chatting online and by e-mail to friends from my schooldays and offices that I'd worked in years before.

It was heart breaking to find out how many were in the same single parent/divorcée status that I was in. ...

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