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A New Onethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 10380 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Mar 18 2011Views / Reads: 2959 / 1709 [58%]Story vote: 8.86 (7 votes)
A tale about Frank and Kathy

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You often hear the phrase that "Life isn't fair" and I'm living proof that it is true. But every once in a while life gives you a gift that helps ease things somewhat. Again, I'm living proof.


I was an indifferent student. Not a poor one - I maintained a B average - but I just didn't care for school so college wasn't in my future. I'd never been more that fifty miles from the town I was born in so one of the things I wanted to do was travel. Travel meant money and money meant a good job that paid well and while there may have been plenty of jobs in our town none of them paid well enough for me to do what I wanted to do. The day after graduation, diploma in hand, I was waiting at the front door to the Army recruiting office when the recruiter unlocked the door. I filled out a bunch of forms and when asked what I would like to do I put down Airborne, Infantry, Armor and lastly Artillery. Three days later I was on a bus headed for Fort Knox, Kentucky and Basic Training.

After Basic the Army consulted my list of choices, decided that I didn't really want any of those things, so next on my travel itinerary was a trip to Fort Lee, Virginia where I learned the basics of keeping the Army supplied. I learned how to build crates, pack supplies, and drive the forklifts that loaded the stuff on the trucks and rail cars that would move it to where it was needed. At the end of the course I was ...

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