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The Fat Cowthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 8923 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Apr 03 2011Views / Reads: 3652 / 2891 [79%]Story vote: 9.50 (12 votes)
An overheard conversation that changed her life.

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The story started several years ago. After having three kids I was not the slender sexy wife I had been when Jerry married me. I had put on some weight and I admit to having a somewhat ‘beaten down look' after spending all day trying to handle three kids all under the age of five.

There were times that I was so whipped that I didn't have the energy when Jerry got home and wanted to play. It wasn't his fault and I don't really think that it was mine. It was just life the way life was. There were also times when I wanted some bedroom play and Jerry played the ‘too tired' card. Whatever the reason we drew apart and it seemed like Jerry had lost interest in me.

One night at a party at his brother's house I overheard Jerry tell his cousin Ralph that he was sorry that he had married "that fat cow." I was hurt. I ran outside and I cried for a good ten minutes before I managed to get myself together and go back in the house.

I was a ‘fat cow' because I'd had three kids that he had insisted on and he wanted another one. We had three girls and he wanted a son ‘to carry on the family name' but after hearing what he'd said to Ralph the asshole was going to have to find another woman because I damned sure wasn't going to carry it for him.

Even though our sex life wasn't all that great, maybe once or twice ...

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