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The Lionesses Sharethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 1953 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: inno
Added: Apr 04 2011Views / Reads: 1910 / 1114 [58%]Part vote: 9.20 (5 votes)
We shared my boyfriend

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I opened the door with anticipation.

Jeevan stepped in, and I greeted him with a hug, his arms were strong and warm and the hug lingered into a kiss and the breathless initiations of making out. We forgot everything in each other's arms.

Cecil cleared her throat and giggled. I heard her but ignored. Jeevan paused between kisses and gasped that he had not yet been introduced to my room mate. Before I could say anything Cecil steeped up to introduce herself.

"Hi I am Cecil and I have heard a lot about you Jeevan".

I moaned into Jeevan's mouth as he tried to answer her.

"I hope you heard good things"

"I see it and I hear it, all good"

Jeevan rested his left hand on my butt and rubbed it as he stretched out his right hand to shake Cecil's without breaking contact with my body. I loved the way he hugged me so elaborately.

"You two look beautiful together"


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