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Winning Businessthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 1700 words)

Author: Atailto Tell
Added: Apr 07 2011Views / Reads: 1486 / 914 [62%]Story vote: 9.00 (5 votes)
Investigator discovers the old boss has stolen the talent and new boss has a new breed of sexy young women to attract new clients. The demur Jasmine persuades her client with all her charms. Would you be a client?

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Winning business By Atailto Tell

I was assigned to the Shanghai office a few weeks ago to investigate an underperforming business unit. It should be performing but it was loosing clients to rivals. The previous manager, Mr Li, had left the department for a rival company and the current manager had said he had started a strategy, but it was not able to retain clients.

I booked myself into the Grand Hyatt hotel down the street from the company office and wondered over there about noon to pretend to be a prospective client. I arrived in their office with a letter of introduction identifying me as George Tan, an overseas Chinese businessman of some personal wealth. The letter was from our UK office by a prominent senior partner of the firm. It introduced me and gave an internal computer reference so that they could check my cover story. I received a text message to my phone to confirm that the company files had been accessed by the Shanghai office. I should be treated as an elite client prospect.

I was shown into a lush board room by the pretty receptionist when an elderly and portly Chinese man in his late 50s came in introducing himself as the regional partner, Mr Hong. He was followed by a young demur assistant, Jasmine Ho who was around 5 foot tall. She was dressed in a dark business jacket and skirt with black 2 inch heels which showed off her nice legs. She had her hair in a ponytail and ...

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