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Dream or reality?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 2257 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Hornylilmilf
Added: Apr 09 2011Views / Reads: 1591 / 721 [45%]Part vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Candy is a beautiful young girl who moves house and meet a man or is it men? this story also has sci-fi eg (sentore's)

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Candy is the kind of girl who any man would want to get there hands on. Her slim sexy build that let her fit comfortably in size 8's with the long blonde hair half way down her back and her big DD's. She was absolutely beautiful and had such an innocence about her. . . That is until you get to know the other side of her and she is only 23. . .

''This is fantastic Kat!'' Candy said to her best friend who had just shown her the new house she was going to be living in. . . (Kat and candy where best friends since high school. They did EVERYTHING together including shared every man and woman that they've been with, up until Kat found herself in something more romantic and relationship like, with a collage professor who wouldn't let this fish get away. While Candy couldn't find the right man who could keep up with her sexual demands let alone spend the time to settle down and settle for something she didn't want. . .)

''This place is exactly what I've been looking for! although I never thought I'd be able to afford something so amazing'' Candy said as she looked around the room in awe. The house was big and elegant there was a crystal shandalear hanging from the roof in all the main living areas, the kitchen was big and had a island in the middle of it with plenty of bench space. . . '' GOD DAMN'' Kat said walking round the house ''You could have an orgasm just sitting on the bloody washing machine in here'' both girls stood in the door way to the laundry looking at each other in the way that only close girlfriends do as if ...

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