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Horse playthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:fetish, 6085 words)

Author: Fit in every sense
Added: May 04 2011Views / Reads: 3926 / 2560 [65%]Story vote: 9.20 (5 votes)
Josh meets two Irish girls that are very much into horses, but each in a different way. He joins in their race and wins the prize.

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Hindu Kush 04:06 - I whispered into the mike "Sierra Five Zulu, this is Four Delta Quebec. Do you have visual on targets, over?" A little further down the valley, George - my opposite number in 2nd platoon pressed his transmit button twice in rapid succession. The clicks in my ear confirmed that he had indeed seen the Taliban commanders we were waiting to intercept. They were obviously close enough for him to avoid talking. It was a few hours before day break in the mountains of south Afghanistan. It looked like 2nd platoon was set up in the right pass that night.

I didn't need my radio to hear the flash-bang stun grenades. Within a minute George was back on the air in his calm voice: "Four Delta Quebec, this is Sierra Five Zulu. We've tagged and bagged them. Out" I let out a relieved breath knowing that our opponents were being dusted off by the Chinook that was picking us off the mountain as well. It was the start of just another day in the life of a Marine Corporal Signalman.

Soon both our platoons were back at base camp and we washed the sweat and stress off. I was the only one not needing to clean my face of night camouflage paint. My parents had migrated to Liverpool from Tanzania in the sixties, so I am as black as they come. My military ID lists me as 193cm tall and I like to keep my fitness well above the ...

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