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My best friend Kariethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 1239 words)

Author: junya
Added: Dec 25 2000Views / Reads: 3560 / 2871 [81%]Story vote: 8.00 (1 vote)
Fictional, first person, Me and Karie, best of friends, share an apartment at school. See what happens...

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Me and Karie were always close. We lived next door when we were growing up. We always shared the same interests and stuff. There was never anything sexual between us, being just 18 we were just a couple of kids hanging out together.

I had always noticed her beauty, but never really thought about advancing our relationship. She's 5'4'' brown hair and brown eyeswith a 34b bust. Her breasts are perfect. Nice round nipples that stick out about an inch. She has a perfect tan also, which she works on regularly at the tanning booths, NO LINES! I myself am 5'10'' in fairly good shape. My muscles are cut nicely but i am no body builder. Brown hair and blue eyes.

Well we graduated in May of 99 and were both accepted to the same school in north Texas. Neither of us wanted to stay in the dorms so we decided to get an apartment together. Neither one of us planned on what would come of that.

Our first semester at college and living together started great. We didn't have any classes together but our time schedules were the same. She dated some, and i dated less. I just wanted to make sure my grades stayed up. We were flexible with each other and would leave if the other had company. Which wasn't very often. Most of the time it was just me and her cozyin on the couch watchin tv or studying. We were comfortable enough with each other to wear whatever around the ...

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