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Introductionsthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:threesomes, 4578 words) [2/12] show all parts

Author: Charlie Drake Picture in profile
Added: May 24 2011Views / Reads: 1793 / 989 [55%]Part vote: 9.62 (8 votes)
Chapter Two of 'Sexual Awakening of a War Widow'

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My arousal completely dissipated and I thought that I may very well weep at the loss of such delectable escapism. I swallowed hard and sighed wistfully as I pulled on my dressing gown and closed the curtains, wondering how I would ever face them should we meet in the cold light of day.

I was actually considering approaching them with some kind of fabricated excuse for my actions, (even though I felt that I had disgraced myself enough already), when a sharp knock sounded at my front door. My heart jumped and a sense of dread permeated my thoughts as I made my way down stairs to answer it,

‘Please don't let it be them,' I thought as I descended the staircase and made out the silhouette of a person on the other side of the frosted window.

I opened the door and turned various shades of crimson as I saw that it was him. There he stood, my neighbour and fantasy man, with a lop-sided grin plastered across his face.

‘Hi there,' he said with a knowing wink,

‘I'm Trevor, from across the road. My wife and I wondered if there was ...

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