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Cheering up S . . . this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2256 words)

Author: Ediths Extra-Marital Affairs Picture in profile
Added: May 29 2011Views / Reads: 2801 / 1630 [58%]Story vote: 9.00 (7 votes)
Meeting with my longest lover (over 10 years) . . . we normally get together every five or six weeks. Normally at a "favourite" hotel, but occasionally at his, or mine, depending on circumstances. This evening he didn't, initially, seem his usu

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The past two weeks had simply flown-by . . . recovering from two bank-holidays and trying to keep pace with all the late appointments at work. Both D and S had called several mornings each whilst I was on the bus into the office (one immediately after the other on one of the mornings!!). Although the timing was difficult, I'd agreed to meet with S on Wednesday as he was coming into the West End for a meeting. D has also asked if I could "pop round for a meal", and he sounded not only disappointed but also a little sulky when I told him I couldn't get away from another late meeting at work.

I'd agreed to meet S at a bar not far from the office and after a quick drink we decided to eat there rather than our usual in Hampstead. S was clearly not his usual happy-self and I assumed it was because his meeting had gone badly. I had to almost squeeze out of him that things weren't happy at home. Over the years I've known him he's always seemed to be quite accepting of the, (for me), unnatural coldness of his relationship with his wife. Usually shrugging his shoulders and making jokes about things, but now he was telling me he was finder it harder and harder to keep his patience and put-up with things.

We talked all through the meal and I did my best to cheer him up and try and point-out that all our relationships go through times of argument and frustration and that, actually, I could understand some of the views of "the other side". Even trying to change the subject to the children didn't seem to help much, with him saying things like he'd ...

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