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Doughthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 7212 words)

Author: mcerotic
Added: Jun 04 2011Views / Reads: 5421 / 3176 [59%]Story vote: 9.50 (20 votes)
Have you ever kneaded bread dough? It starts off all sticky and it gradually becomes softer until you can do what you want with it. I suppose it’s like seducing a woman: she starts off resisting and gradually relents until you can do what you want.

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Have you ever kneaded bread dough? It's a very sensual experience. It starts off all sticky and reluctant and then, as you work it, it gradually becomes softer and less sticky until you can do what you want with it. I suppose it's a bit like seducing a woman: she starts off resisting what you try to do and gradually relents until you can do what you want with her. And just like making bread, it takes time. If you try to rush it then nothing works. But when it all goes right you end up with something wonderful: a fresh warm loaf or a fresh warm lover. Can you think of anything that tastes better, that is more satisfying?

Lesson 1: Selecting and Mixing the Ingredients

Violet had always wanted to learn how to make bread so she signed herself up for a course that took place over four Saturdays. When she got there she discovered that instead of each person making bread on their own, the participants were split up into pairs who would work together.

She looked over the rest of the class. She mentally picked her preferred partner not by how good they might be at making bread, since she had no way of knowing that, but by how much she'd like to take them to bed based on their looks. It was no competition really. She immediately ruled out all the men, none of them gave her that little flutter of interest between her legs. But one of the women really stood out. She ...

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