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Myth or Legend?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 3760 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Knob-Out Picture in profile
Added: Jun 08 2011Views / Reads: 4506 / 3526 [78%]Part vote: 9.38 (16 votes)
A return to caravanning after the kids grew up gave us a new lease of life with surprising results!

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Myth or Legend?

My husband and I first became 'weekend gypsies' when we had our children. The caravan was a natural progression from the cold windy tent to what we thought was a luxurious way to holiday on the cheap. We thought we had arrived as they say when we first stayed overnight in this solid, warm all-be-it somewhat restrictive mobile shed which we called our holiday home. In reality it was, in fact, a shed on wheels but it was our shed and we were proud of it even if most other caravaner's shied away from us when we turned up on site.

Anyway as the years passed we progressed from caravanning to the inevitable package holidays to warmer climates and continued as such until our two children both went off to university and left us alone again at last. Argh peace!

We decided to go back to grass roots and get another caravan. After going to several shows around the country we settled on a model to buy and jumped in with both feet. Oh my God it was fabulous, we never realised how much the caravans had changed over the years and were pleasantly surprised to find they were indeed a home from home.

We had a couple of weekends away with the same pair of friends whom we had known for many years. The girls at work would try and wind me up about my husband and I being mobile swingers but I just laughed it off ...

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