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Busty Bo Peepthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3228 words)

Author: VelvetEscritoire Picture in profile
Added: Jun 11 2011Views / Reads: 2141 / 902 [42%]Story vote: 9.70 (10 votes)
Busty Bo has lost her sheep and doesn't know where to find them, but she knows when she does they'll be bringing more than their tails behind them. The little cosplay slut goes hunting for her three men then lets them play with all her tender holes.

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Little Bo peep has lost her sheep

And doesn't know where to find them.

Leave them alone and they'll come home,

Bringing their tails behind them.

Bo woke from a deep but troubling dream. She had dressed herself up specially today, in a bright red corset and little skirt, white stockings and white shoes, with a pair of frilly panties that covered her sweet little behind. The lace trim around the end of her corset tickled her cleavage, which was pushed up by her bustiere to show itself to its best advantage and attract all the sheep to play. But they were nowhere to be found, and Bo didn't know what to do.

As she lay beneath the tree, she thought of her sheep and their lovely tails, so big and long. As the fantasy took over, she smiled a lovely, naughty smile, her long blonde tresses carefully arranged in curls that fell around her sweet cheeks and bounced on her naked shoulders. Birds sang above her in the tree's boughs, and she watched them with her bright, green eyes, her rich, red lips curved in a smile that matched the bow in her hair.

Oh, those naughty sheep. They had such tails that would make any girl ...

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