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Journey of pleasurethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 909 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Horny Hubby
Added: Jul 29 2011Views / Reads: 1029 / 6 [1%]Part vote: 8.00 (2 votes)
My love got to enjoy me even more

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I struggled to not jump Bianca as she made breakies for all four of us. Her little brother was a laat lammetjie over 11 years younger than her . Bianca had an older brother who was still living a t home with his girlfriend of many years. He was as good looking as Bianca was sexually gorgeous and their parents allowed his girlfriend to stay the night in his room. Bianca told me that one weekend when their parents were away , her brothers girlfriend came over to stay . She got turned on major from all the passionate sounds of pleasure coming from his room as he fucked her hard. She even once caught them in the act on the sofa one night when I dropped her at home.

Bianca was winking at me the whole time causing me to struggle to hide my hard on of note. She had changed into a very tight mini and a tight fitting top which highlighted her wonderful and full bust. Her brother must have known I had banged his sister as he had never seen her happier After breakfast we dropped them at his friend at his friends house for the rest of the weekend and I knew Bianca and I could get naughty all again. We went to a friends braai and it was obvious what had happened between us as Bianca had a naughty smile of note on her face. All the time at the braai she was touching me on the ass and I was major turned on MAJOR . I knew quite a few of my friends at the braai had the hots for her but I had been the lucky one to enjoy her all night and she was !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The party went on till late and we only left there at about 8 PM. We ended going to get a DVD and take aways before we headed back to the ftown house I shared with ...

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