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Truckers and Turksthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 5124 words)

Author: uk-wide
Added: Aug 19 2011Views / Reads: 2182 / 1131 [52%]Story vote: 9.33 (6 votes)
Lynn fucks a couple of truckers and a Turkish Burger van cook

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Many of you may have read about Lynn's exploits over the years, this one involves a trucker who Lynn was friendly with and eventually became very slutty with. On the night in question, Lynn was wearing a short blue denim skirt, cut to a good 4 or 5 inches above the knee. A cream semi see-through blouse, black stockings and high heeled shoes, she was not wearing any underwear at all, so her breasts and nipples were on show.

We had arranged to meet Terry at a lay-by on the south side of the A30 near Blackbush (very appropriate) at about 7:30 pm. We arrived at the lay-by at just after 7 pm, it was actually quite a long lay-by and could probably take 3 or 4 articulated trucks at least, and it was covered on each side by forest and scrub land. Whilst we were sat waiting and chatting, Lynn mentioned we had passed a lay-by a couple of hundred metres up the road with a ‘Burger Van' parked in it and wondered if we were in the right lay-by. I reassured her we were and at the moment Terry's truck pulled up behind us and flashed his lights.

We both got out of the car and went to meet Terry, who leapt from his cab and smiling shook my hand and kissed Lynn's cheek. Terry whistled low and told Lynn she looked even better in the flesh than her photos had portrayed her. Lynn blushed and thanked him for the nice comments and I watched has her nipples begun to push out against the material of her blouse. We stood chatting in general, probably because no one ...

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