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Hot Dip in the Pool Part 2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3678 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Poolsharkgirl
Added: Sep 05 2011Views / Reads: 3029 / 2349 [78%]Part vote: 9.17 (18 votes)
A girl takes a road trip with friends. After an encounter with one, the others feel left out.

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Hot Dip in the Pool Part 2

After realizing what I had done I told John I was upset with the way he treated me, even though I did end up giving in to him. I made him promise that he would not tell anyone about what had happened and that he would not try it again. In exchange I promised not to tell anyone that he basically forced himself upon me.

We met up with our other friends, Chris, Dave, and Dan, and went to our pool tournament. Although we didn't win we came in 2nd place and everybody had a great time. We all decided to go out and celebrate before we headed home. We went to a local bar and had a few beers and a lot of laughs. John wasn't drinking because he was driving home and it was a long drive, we didn't want to have to pay for another night in a hotel. He suggested that we get some beer to go and party on the way home in the van. We all agreed and got a case of beer and off we went. John was driving, Dan called shotgun, and Chris and Dave were sitting in captain's chairs in the middle. I called the back seat; it was a bench seat that could be folded out into a bed. I liked it because I was able to stretch out for the long ride. We were all having a great time laughing and joking and reminiscing about old times, but I was starting to get really buzzed. I was trying to slow down but the guys weren't going to let that happen. The beer was bad enough until they passed around a bottle of tequila. I had gulped down over 3 shots and wasn't sure if I could even do another. I was starting to see double ...

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