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The Soldier, Part 8this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 11711 words) [8/11] show all parts

Author: Joshua
Added: Oct 02 2011Views / Reads: 1119 / 773 [69%]Part vote: 9.80 (5 votes)
Josh has been assigned burial duty. When he travels to small town to perform the honor, he finds himself in a unique situation with an older woman who is also the funeral director.

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I was completely thrown off guard when I walked into General Smart's office that morning. After I saluted him, he had me sit in a large brown, leather chair. "Son," he said in that deep, rich baritone voice, "I'm afraid this might be your last assignment. You may be transferring from our office soon." General Smarts held my personnel file in his hand, and I could see some personnel clerk had "flagged" it. There, in the upper right corner was a small, red tag that signaled some change was coming in my assignment. The General went on to say that he wasn't sure when the reassignment would take place, but that such a move was normal in this case, particularly so because I was a combat veteran and my skills were more in demand in a combat zone more so than they were in an office in Washington, D.C. "So, Lieutenant Bellows, all we can do is wait. It could be days, or weeks, or, in an extreme case, months." The General knew I was eager to return to the front to be with my combat buddies, so he knew he didn't have to lay on the consoling too thickly. When I asked what my duties would be for that day, he grimaced, however. "I'm sorry to inform you, son, but you have burial duty this week." General Smarts handed me a schedule: my first burial was the next day.

Burial duty wasn't so bad, but it wasn't so great either. My duties for the next month would require that I serve as the officer in charge of a firing party, a burial squad, and, most likely, a driver. Our duties would require us to meet with funeral home directors and provide a military burial for anyone who had served in any branch of the ...

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