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My Saturday NIght Leads Me Toward Wednesdaythis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 3441 words) [5/16] show all parts

Author: Little tommy D.
Added: Oct 03 2011Views / Reads: 1120 / 734 [66%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
Art is surprised when Ginny calls on Friday unexpectedly, but finds she's only there for a few hours. The lure snagged him and he is reeled in pleasantly to an afternoon session of delight, ending with a gift when he departs.

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<My Saturday Night Leads Me Toward Wednesday>

Our lunch at the Westin was an overkill delight of fresh, leafy spinach salad, fresh-caught orange roughy, garlic-mashed potatoes, seasoned Jalapeño black beans, dark iced tea, and finished with a perfect Mexican flan. We could barely move we were so stuffed. I pulled up and left the car at the curb in front of the house. I intended to shop the 'Wheels Rolling' for a mileage gauge to attach to my bike so that I can register the miles I ride. Once in the house, Markey went one direction, Alana the other, leaving me standing in the den alone. I took time to hang Markey's keys on the rack by the garage door because her car was behind mine and was easier than moving cars for thirty minutes. I kid you not--thirty minutes--to move two vehicles when one of the movers is a woman. I sauntered to the den again and Alana was putting her bag by the door, ready to leave. She came to me, stood on tiptoes and gave me a kiss on the mouth, the first time ever before last night. I winked and said, "Hmmmm. Nice taste and a welcome departure gift." She patted my jaw and whispered, "My house tomorrow evening. Can't wait," and she went to find Markey to tell she was leaving.

Markey had jumped into a pair of short shorts and a tank top. I glanced her way and asked, "Not going in today at all?" She had her heavy tote bag from the closet and answered, "I intended to go, but it's too late now. If you're leaving, I'll finish these contracts here where it's ...

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