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It could happenthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:male domination, 2926 words)

Author: turnheron
Added: Oct 08 2011Views / Reads: 4359 / 3068 [70%]Story vote: 9.64 (11 votes)
I push my wife's submissive limits and we both have the night of our lives.

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I was out with a couple of old friends the other night. We hadn't seen each other in a while and we were catching up. I was still married to my awesome wife, kids were getting big, etc. Two of my friends were still with their wives, and my buddy Jess had broked up with his girlfriend about 6 months ago. As the night wore on we started teasing Jess about hitting on girls, trying to hook up and his confessed lack of sex life.

"I wouldn't even know what to do if a girl said yes," my lonely friend stated. "It's been so long she'd have to remind me how to use it."

"You should find yourself a submissive slut like I have," I said, the alcohol starting to take over. My friends all got silent and turned to me. "That's right. Margaret would do anything I ask...I mean TELL her to do when it comes to sex. That's what you should find so if you do something wrong, just tell the slut to blow you until you're hard again and then try it again."

"Yeah, right," was the general reaction I got. "Margaret has you so whipped it's unreal," my buddy Dave said. "You probably wear the panties to bed at night."

"Oh yeah," I said, not wanting to back down. "Look Jess. You've seen pictures of Marge before. Here's a recent one on my cell phone. Take a look at those tits. I guarantee you that if you have the balls to ...

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