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The Idolsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 4265 words)

Author: Paul Garland Picture in profile
Added: Oct 11 2011Views / Reads: 1147 / 708 [62%]Story vote: 8.75 (8 votes)
Another of my 'Filthy Fantasy' series - "The Idols" charts a young woman's journey through a very public, medieval rite of passage fertility ritual.

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The Idols © 2011 Paul Garland

"Who brings this girl before God?" said the High Priest called out to the throng of people filling the ancient temple.

Edwyn realised it was his turn to step forward. "I do," he announced, after clearing his throat. Maisie was the next girl to be raised to the dais, and the bald old priest was already wrapping the sacred scarf around her neck as was part of the ritual.

The young blonde girl was his step-daughter, a maid of just sixteen, and as always happened at this stage of their life, and on this particular day, she had been brought here to see the ceremony that would mark her as a woman grown, and no longer a child.

Edwyn's wife, Aranda, had been wed before, but her husband died after only three years of them being together, leaving her with a son, Roben and a newborn daughter, Maisie. Edwyn took them in when he fell for Aranda, because he loved the woman so, and did even before she met her first husband. They wed four years later, made a boy of their own, and now some twelve years after that, Edwyn was as good as a real father to the two children that weren't his.

Roben passed the trial of manhood some two years before, and was now a man. Maisie after today would be a woman. They would be children no ...

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