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Australian Girlsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3123 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: JenniGee Picture in profile
Added: Oct 19 2011Views / Reads: 4670 / 3316 [71%]Part vote: 9.12 (8 votes)
A moors farmer in England is surprised by three Austraian ladies on a quest to find their ancestors

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"Bloye, yes its an old Devonshire name". The lady on his door step explained.

The voice most certainly didn't carry a Devonshire accent in fact it betrayed that the owner originated in the antipodes.

"But first let me introduce my family, husband Mark, and my daughters Sharon and Genevieve, I am, believe it or not called Sheila. Yes I have heard all the jokes about 'Ozzy Sheilas'."

Normally Chris would have sent them on their way, turning up as they had unannounced but the two girls were very attractive and he feared he was having carnal thoughts about two females that were under age jail bait but decided to find out a bit more about the family.

"Sure, step inside, perhaps you would like to take tea with me", he suggested.

The girls giggled to each other at his quaint English words and accent.

Seated in Chris's living room the family remarked how cosy the house was as compared to the large open plan spaces of their home in Australia. Sheila described how they had planned this trip to, as she put it, ...

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