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Another of the Australian Girls this story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 1928 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: JenniGee Picture in profile
Added: Oct 21 2011Views / Reads: 1228 / 900 [73%]Part vote: 9.33 (3 votes)
Genevieve was not pleased that her sister Sharon had moved too fast for her and had claimed Chris as her prize.

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"So how come my sister found them first? I hid them under your pillow so that you would persuade mum that I should be first to work for you." Genevieve stood hands on hips in Chris's kitchen. She had made sure that her sister Sharon was out working on the farm before knocking on his door.

Avoiding the question Chris asked, "Wait there I'll...", he had a sudden thought. "No, come and show me where you left them." The girl smiled triumphantly, her mind on the same level as his.

In the bedroom Genevieve lifted a pillow from the bed, "There, and I spread them out neatly so you didn't miss them, how come you didn't see them? But how", she raised her voice, "how did Sharon find them, did she find them when you fucked her? And don't lie 'cos she had that 'cat's had the cream' look when she got back from here last night. She said she would be the first to get you. Where was it, in the barn on the straw bales?

Chris knew that if he lied now it was inevitable that he would be found out, but if a lie got him where he wanted with this young woman then so be it. He shook his head. "If you are the first to get me, would you want me to blab to your sister? I like the idea of the barn though, is it a fantasy of yours?"

Genevieve pressed her knees together and wriggled her thighs. She smiled ...

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