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Would a Saturday Event at 'The Glass Slipper' be Acceptable?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 5151 words) [10/16] show all parts

Author: Little tommy D.
Added: Oct 24 2011Views / Reads: 1060 / 619 [58%]Part vote: 10.00 (2 votes)
Alana continues to be full of surprises to Art and Markey. They are invited to a meeting that changes their life drastically. The result is a celebration party what will present a few more stunning revelations to their life.

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<Would a Saturday Event at 'The Glass Slipper' be Acceptable?>

Markey continued her affectionate ways when we woke the next morning. She kissed me before I went to brew the coffee, continuing to surprise me with her quick recovery after watching me fucking Ginny and Sally. I am quiet appreciative of her attitude, however, I'm also a little wary of the rapid turnaround this time. I won't rock the boat, and as she warned, I'll try my best to temper my pecker. I was at the table reading the headlines when she came in for her coffee. She poured a cup--she won't use a mug--opened the fridge and with a wide smile, asked, "Eggs and bacon, or, another of these walnut muffins? It's your choice." I returned the smile and told her, "One of the muffins if you'll cut it into quarters for me." She took the largest one and put it on a plate, used the bread knife and with a rapid clean twist of her wrist, expertly sliced it into four pieces using only two strokes of the knife. "Geez Marks. I must be a total dummy. I never thought of using the bread knife. When I slice the muffins, I have ragged pieces and a plateful of crumbs" She laughed and responded, "The muffin is bread as is cake, so in the future use the bread blade." I ate one quarter, watched her take two poached eggs from the stove and put them on a saucer. "No bacon with the great looking eggs? She pulled her chair and answered, "I weighed when I got up. The scale and I had a knockdown drag-out argument and the scale won, therefore I will have no bacon for a while." I decided I wouldn't touch that with a hundred-foot pole so I just nodded and winked at her. "Art, before you head out, let ...

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