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Lonely wives: 5> the Horny widow this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2787 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Nov 12 2011Views / Reads: 5056 / 2736 [54%]Story vote: 9.14 (7 votes)
After the passing of her much older husband, the young Helen joins a dating site through which she soon finds comfort, and much needed sex, in the arms of younger men.

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After the untimely passing of Alex, my husband, who was very attentive, sexually, I, much to the surprise of close friends who expected me to go into some mourning shell, wasted no time in seeking the company, and pleasure, of other men; much younger ones to be precise.

Joining a dating agency, I made the following video cam appeal: "Hello, my name is Helen, I'm 30-something and recently widowed. I was married to my husband Alex, a very wealthy and much older man, for 10 years. Unbeknownst to me, he was diagnosed with arrhythmia, and when we last had wild sex, which lasted 4 hours, he suffered a stroke, and, the stroke lead to an aneurysm. And now."

Somewhat uncontrollably, I change the tone of my voice to a more upbeat one and continue: "Well, he's dead now, and I'm free to get fucked the way that I've been yearning since Bush was President."

Returning to my normal voice pattern, I say: "So, what I'm ideally looking for is a young virile stud, under the age of 25 to help me remember what it's like to be a dirty slut. If this sounds like you, please e-mail me. Oh, PS. I don't mind if you bring a friend along; though they must also be a young guy." After that, I take the video to the dating agency and wait...!

Within a week, I must have received a dozen replies, most of them wanting to straight fuck me while two came across as being sympathetic ...

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