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On Monday, Art Met the New Neighborthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4135 words) [2/7] show all parts

Author: Little tommy D.
Added: Nov 19 2011Views / Reads: 1641 / 1180 [72%]Part vote: 9.75 (4 votes)
Markey leaves on a business trip, Art has a difficult day at work, coming home late, he meets the new backdoor neighbor and invites her for dinner. He offers a shower and things gets interesting after she showers.

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<On Monday, Art Met the New Neighbor>

Back home after their exciting Jamaica interlude, Markey found problems with two leases for space necessary at new Glass Slipper franchise operations. She wasn't thrilled at the need for her to fly out to those locations to negotiate finish-out with the owners, but that was her job so she relented and booked her flights. I drove her to the airport on Sunday evening for the flight to San Francisco, waited with her until her flight was called, kissed her goodbye, and watched as she cleared the TSA pat-down and was gone from sight. I came directly back home and prepared for the new semester starting Monday morning. It was my first start of a new term as the head of the department and I desired to get everything off to a smooth start. I was closely checking the plan, making certain that every t was crossed and every i dotted. I saw no evident problems and rested easy, anticipating an effortless week ahead for my faculty and students.

When I had hung my coat and sat at my chair, the shit had already been flung in the fan. I had two notes from the administrative office notifying me of two faculty absences. Dr. Francis was taken to the hospital during the night, admitted for examination of a possible heart attack. Dr. Pinson was admitted to another hospital that morning having been broadsided at an intersection a block from his home. His diagnosis was a broken arm, broken ribs, a possible lung puncture, and slight concussion. Panic set in as I slammed my hand against the desk and ...

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