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My first time ends up being a threesomethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 3255 words)

Author: Anonymous
Added: Dec 09 2011Views / Reads: 5335 / 3938 [74%]Story vote: 8.36 (11 votes)
A story series explaining my interesting living situation in college. Starts off as a virgin ends up with two female room mates.

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This is the story of the time I spent in University. I entered engineering not really have dated and I was still a virgin. As a typical math geek I spent my weekends playing video games and taking things apart and not dating or having much fun with the opposite sex. After my first year we had to choose our stream of study. Based on my readings and experiences I knew a combination of mechanical engineering and management would be best suited for my interest and my future career. What that meant was not only would I spend time in the engineering complex but also would spend much of my time in the management department were there are a lot of cute woman. Saying that there were some cute women in engineering as well. The summer after first year I got a job working in the oil fields in northern Canada. In that time I made a lot of money and had nothing to spend it on. As well, since I had to physically work 12 to 14 hours a day I had lost all my excess weight and had developed not quite a 6 pack but certainly a 4 pack. I came back to school and found a really nice apartment of campus and looked forward not living in the dorm. On the second day of school we had entered one of engineering labs and we were told that they were assigning our lab partners. All I was hoping for is that it would not be one of the geeky math guys that didn't know a screwdriver from a hammer nor one of the guys who didn't do anything. I looked up my name and I don't know how I got so lucky but I found that I had been teamed up with Kiera one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen. She had blond hair, what looked like a nice c tight tits and the best ass I have ever seen. In my first year I had no confidence and being ...

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