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Amy's worldthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 2644 words) [4/4] show all parts

Author: Anonymous
Added: Jan 01 2001Views / Reads: 1986 / 1526 [77%]Part vote: 8.25 (4 votes)
Continuation of a true story. M/F/F

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It was the day after my encounter with Kevin, I had just finished eating lunch in the cafeteria and I was walking towards the lounge to relax when Kevin’s ex-girlfriend Veronica approached me. She had this little grin on her face that made my stomach turn. She smiled and asked me if she could have a minute of my time to speak to me. I got very nervous. My body temperature went ice cold, and something told me that Kevin had said something to her about the night before.

I had never spoken with Veronica before, so I knew that I wasn’t going to like what I was about to hear. We went into the lounge and she directed me to the far corner where there was no one else around. She scooted her chair close to me. Her knees were on the outside of mine as we sat facing one another. Veronica leaned in, as if not wanting to have anyone hear what she was about to say, and then she said “I heard about your evening with my ex-boyfriend last night.” I must have gone pale. I tried to deny it, but it was too late. My nervousness and reaction gave me away. She leaned back in her chair and chuckled. We sat there in silence just staring at each other. It was if she was making me stew in the uncomfortable state I was in. Two long minutes went by before she started talking again.

She once again leaned back in and said, “wow, I thought he was bull shitting me, but it’s true.” She placed her hands on my knees and said “don’t worry, this is our little secret. You see, Kev and I are best friends and we tell each other all of our secrets.” She started to ...

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