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Polly Eve Tries Solothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 2834 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: JenniGee Picture in profile
Added: Dec 24 2011Views / Reads: 672 / 344 [51%]Part vote: 8.33 (3 votes)
From an idea of her friend Polly Eve tries to go it alone... now she needs help.

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"The young lady has given us your name and has said that you would be prepared to vouch for her honesty, is that so?"

The two men, both are quite hunky, and I guess security guards, stand by a desk at which sits a forlorn and dejected Polly Eve, one of my best friends.

"I most certainly know her, gentlemen, and I know her to be upright and honest, but in order to maintain my integrity and reputation I must be aware of the facts."

Polly looks at me in shocked surprise that I didn't, without hesitation give her a glowing reputation. Then, as she realises that I am going to extract the maximum pleasure from her discomfort, the look changes to resignation.

"Oh for god sake!" my friend says, intending it to be under her breath but making it instead a sharp whisper.

"I am afraid she can be a little petulant, as you can see." I give the guys a reserved smile.

"We have our own integrity to protect also Madam, we are professionals, and do not take kindly to being insulted."


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