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The Sex(es)cort: Vicky’s story 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3195 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Dec 27 2011Views / Reads: 521 / 253 [49%]Part vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Having dropped by for a chat, Sandra makes use of my vibrating washing machine, for some light relief, only to have it break down. Time to call in the repairmen…!

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After taking a bit of a shine to both Roger, the big black fuck stud, and the very cheeky Ted, I decided, for my next sexual liaison, to invite both of them back. Having told Trevor what I had in mind, he suggested, knowing full well that I'm in no way gaye or even bi-curious for that matter, having one of his other female associates join in what I had planned.

Don't you just hate it, especially living in an upstairs flat, when your washing machine goes on the blink, or, as can happen, water starts leaking over the floor and then seeps downstairs; thankfully, that's not the case here.

Anyway, on this particular morning Sandra had stopped by for a chat, although I sometimes think that's more of an excuse for her to somewhat ‘use,' as it were, my washing machine, which, due to its age, is one that vibrates a lot.

"I see you're horny, as ever," I remark. "Not getting enough cock, then! That's how long since you last got laid?" I enquire.

"Em, yes," Sandra exudes, while she leans her quim against the machine.

"I'm a bit more selective than you, Vicky, which for me makes the sex so incredible, but at this moment, I'll take anything; anything male that is," she rejoins. ...

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