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Sara Discovers an Urge Chapter IIthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:first time, 6988 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Babblehead
Added: Dec 27 2011Views / Reads: 1411 / 970 [69%]Part vote: 9.00 (3 votes)
Sara had for a long time wanted Sam to engage another man. His pleading for a threesome backfired on him when she agreed to a third person of the male gender. The idea planted in his mind he finally agreed when she told him she had longed fantasized about

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Sara Discovers an Urge Chapter II

Sara had for a long time wanted Sam to engage another man. His pleading for a threesome backfired on him when she agreed to a third person of the male gender. The idea planted in his mind he finally agreed

This is chapter two Sara Discovers an Urge. Chapter one is located under the category of lesbian seduction


Sara was the first to wake and immediately was perplexed. When she and Roger went to sleep, she was between the two men. She awakened with Sam between her and Roger. With Sam cuddled up to Roger. She giggled under her breath, and said to her self. He won't believe it, I should take a picture.

But the two men started stirring, and she thought it best to make a hasty retreat to the bathroom. Sat on the toilet and took care of the nocturnal filling, and into the shower. She saw a diffused figure through the steamed glass, "Sam!" she called out.

"Roger." Came the reply.

Then Sam entered "Hey dear don't use all the hot water. Roger we better ...

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