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My Biggest Regretthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 4268 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: No one U no
Added: Jan 17 2012Views / Reads: 492 / 244 [50%]Part vote: 9.00 (1 vote)
Drew recounts his misspent youth and about the girl that got away Not much sex, but a true story. All names and locations have been changed to protect the not so innocent. :)

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My name is Drew and here is my story:

I was born in Washington D.C. My dad was from Maryland and my mom was from New York state, so she didn't have that funny accent. When I was about four or five, we moved to the state of Alabama where my younger sister was born. I never acquired a southern accent since after two years, we moved to Rochester in New York state and then back to Maryland ony 15 minutes outside of the city limits of Washington D.C.

As I got older, I got average grades in school but my heart wasn't in it. I loved art and spent hours filling one sketch book after another with my drawings an sketches.

As a result, I was never very popular with the ladies. They laughed at me and called me a skinny art nerd. Well, they were most likely right. Except for one girl Janine. She was nice to me and looked past my skinny frame, unkempt blond hair and total lack of inteterest in almost everything but art.

When we turned 18, I asked her to pose nude for me so I could draw her. She agreed, and that led to my first sexual experience. She and I were both very inexperienced and it was a paniful embarassing encounter. As time went on, we got better and better and because of this, I now considered myself "a man." I decided I needed to look the part. I started to work out and follow a high protein diet to fill out my ...

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