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The Revelationthis story is part of the FanClub (ff:first time, 7454 words)

Author: slyfox Picture in profile
Added: Jan 23 2012Views / Reads: 6194 / 3611 [58%]Story vote: 9.42 (12 votes)
A last minute deciskion to move a party to Lisa's home leads to unexpected revelations of a side of her she never knew existed.

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The Revelation

By Slyfox

For those of you not familiar with my work, please be advised that I don't write slam, bam, thank you ma'am sex stories. I take the time to introduce my characters and set the tone and scene, I hope you enjoy this but I appreciate comments of any kind.

I The soft click as the front door closed behind her sent a shiver of nervous energy through me and it was only then that I allowed myself to exhale slowly.

I struggled to make sense out of the events of that night, but there was no logical explanation for any of it. I've never felt so confused or so disappointed in myself. Where and when did I lose control of my inhibitions? How could I have allowed any of it to happen?

I hadn't had all that much to drink, just a few glasses of wine, so perhaps I'd been drugged somehow, but why and by who? But then some flashes of memory filtered through my mind and I knew it hadn't been [censored] that got me into this mess. It was just a case of someone seeing a previously unknown weakness, somehow hidden for so many years, and taking advantage of an opportunity. And now I was left, naked and alone to face the consequences. ...

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