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The peeping joggerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 17426 words)

Author: Janelle
Added: Jan 03 2001Views / Reads: 14418 / 12651 [88%]Story vote: 8.61 (18 votes)
long story of voyeurism/exhibitionism leading to flirtation and finally culminating in a hot and wild affair between a wife and much younger man.

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It all started innocently enough during my morning coffee. Inside the kitchen it was the usual morning chaos. My two kids screaming for their coats and lunches, my husband asking where his keys were, dog barking. You know, the usual Monday morning. I was the calm in the eye of the hurricane. Then suddenly, it was suddenly quiet. Matt, my husband was off to work, with a kiss on the cheek and a “have a good day Kate, I love you sweetheart.” Next, the kids were on the school bus and the dog was in the backyard in her dog run. I was alone to enjoy the warm summer day that lay before me.

I used to teach grade school, but after we had our first child nine years ago I had to quit. I was just about to return to teaching when I again became pregnant. For the next five years I was a full time suburban house wife. Then last January, I returned to university with the goal of getting my Masters Degree from the University of Colorado. I’ve got to admit that it was a difficult adjustment. So suddenly there I was, a 36 year old house wife surrounded by students who were on average 15 years younger then myself. Although I never really ‘fit in’ with the rest of the student body, I did make a few friends.

This was the first day after the semester had ended, and I meant to savor it. It was Wednesday, May 30th and spring was in full bloom, and one could feel summer in the air. To help relax I slipped off my robe and tossed it over the kitchen chair. I then moved to the patio to admire the bright sunny morning. The sunlight was bouncing off the ...

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