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Frank and Doristhis story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 16394 words)

Author: Just Plain Bob
Added: Feb 15 2012Views / Reads: 3120 / 2004 [64%]Story vote: 9.40 (5 votes)
Just another story.

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It started when my cousin Tom set up a bachelor party for his brother, my cousin James. I was invited and I of course accepted and said I would be there. This did not set well with my wife Doris. Doris had an extremely low opinion of bachelor parties because of what she had seen on her side of the family.

Her brother Sam had attended one, had partaken of the offer made by the hired stripper to ‘entertain' anyone with the proper amount of cash and had ended up with a case of VD which he was unable to adequately explain to his wife. Her cousin Ron had left his wife and two children and had run off with the hired entertainment at a bachelor party that he had attended. Her father had gotten drunk at a bachelor party and had wrecked his car and put himself in the hospital for a week. No indeed, Doris was not at all happy with me for accepting the invitation.

I pointed out that she had gone to a bachelorette party or two where they had male strippers come in and she said that was different.

"In what way?"

"There is no way a male stripper can do what a female stripper does at a man's bachelor party."

"Explain that to me please." ...

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