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Unlikely Attraction this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 2569 words)

Author: irisgirl
Added: Feb 16 2012Views / Reads: 5440 / 4207 [77%]Story vote: 9.27 (11 votes)
Megan is invited to her friends house. She recieves an extra warm welcome from the dad!

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Megan had just turned 18. And moving to a new school in grade 12 was not easy. Leaving all her friends behind and even her boyfriend to move with her family to the other side of the country. She felt alone and rather depressed. With stunning ginger hair and bright blue eyes, finding a new boyfriend wouldn't be a problem. But she struggled a bit to make new friends with other girls.

2 weeks into the new school year she finally made a friend. Sarah was a rather nerdy looking girl, but her eyes would take your breath away. Add beautiful skin and black hair to that and she wasn't completely hopeless.

One day, Sarah invited Megan over after school, she wasn't feeling up to netball practice that afternoon. Walking home, they got to talking about home life. Sarah's mom died when she was very young and her dad had been single ever since. He was a writer for a fitness magazine and worked from home a lot.

They walked through the front door. A masculine voice came from the kitchen 'Oh, hi Sarah, I thought u were coming home late today?' 'I didn't feel like netball today dad, I've brought a friend home, can we order pizza?' Her dad came through to the lounge where they were, wearing just a towel wrapped around his waist and a cup of coffee in hand. He must have just had a shower, there were still some water droplets on his gorgeous body. 'sorry, I didn't know we were gonna have ...

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