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Blame it on the beerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1168 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Red Writer
Added: Feb 22 2012Views / Reads: 2766 / 2095 [76%]Part vote: 9.27 (11 votes)
He knew he shouldn't. There are some guy's whose ladies you should never mess with. But beer had never really improved his decision making...

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He'd had nothing better to do that Friday evening so he threw on a pair of Levi's and a t-shirt and headed into town to meet some of the guys for a few beers.

He was already on his fourth or fifth when she entered the bar.

She was wearing a black jacket, a very short dark skirt, and heels that a tight-rope walker would think twice about. Those legs looked stunning,

He knew who she was. He knew her name. He knew where she worked. He also knew who she was going out with. Trying anything with this girl was not something that someone who was looking for a long healthy life would consider.

Beer had never helped him come to great decisions.

"Hi there!", he called to her as she passed his table.

"Hey!", she said, "how are you?"

"I'm great", he replied. "You are looking kind of lost."

"Oh, I'm so sorry", she said, "I was expecting to see someone here but I guess they haven't shown up." ...

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