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Menswearthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 900 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Red Writer
Added: Feb 28 2012Views / Reads: 1313 / 780 [59%]Part vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
He didn't know how things had got to where they had got to and he had something important to tell her. But first, a meeting in the menswear department...

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"Oh, fuck!" he thought to himself. "How did I get myself into this?"

He was standing in a changing room cubicle with his 501's around his ankles. She was on her knees with her lips wrapped round his cock, furiously licking and sucking.

He was trying hard to hold back, but it was getting more and more difficult. He almost exploded when she took most of his length into her mouth and started gagging on it, but he managed to hold it together.

"Good", she said, standing up. "You are so much better than you used to be at holding back."

"Thanks", he said. "It's all the practise that I've been getting."

Over the past six weeks they had been seeing each other every other day or so. They couldn't risk being seen in public so they had been coming up with imaginative venues for their activities.

She smiled and turned around, lifting the cute little Donna Karan skirt up over her bare ass. He moved in behind her and slid his stiff shaft into her wet vagina. He started pumping slowly, and then he quickened the pace. He pushed his hands up under her blouse and grabbed her tits, just a little roughly. She gasped but said nothing. He ...

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