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Friday Afternoonthis story is part of the FanClub (bi:seduction, 3262 words) [1/8] show all parts

Author: hotnwet91
Added: Mar 09 2012Views / Reads: 23737 / 14094 [59%]Part vote: 9.00 (7 votes)
Hot, Wet and Horny. The best weekend ever starts with the best Friday.

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It was a strange feeling, nothing like I'd felt before, nothing like I'd even imagined. I was in the changing rooms at the school pool, I'd been here a hundred times before, wet and exhausted, we had won our waterpolo match and everyone was excited. Happy chatter echoed off the tiles and laughter bubbled like the overflowing drain, I stood in my usual corner still dripping from the pool. It was all the same, nothing unusual but it all felt different somehow. "Great game Tiff" Cass, the new girl said as she put her bag next to mine to untangle her wavy hair. "Thanks" I replied "Nice pass at the end, you pretty much scored that last goal" I said, struggling with the mess my swimming cap had made of my own shoulder length hair. She blushed the same colour as her hair. "Thanks"

Only two showers were working so I sat on a bench waiting my turn, everyone was talking about the match but I couldn't focus, I just sat there fidgeting. Kacy, our captain, had finished her shower but everyone else seemed so distracted that I decided to take my turn. The showers just stuck out from one wall where the floor sloped into a drain, but only the two at the end worked, I moved in next to Sandra. Kacy left the water running as I stepped in, she had her team uniform one-piece rolled down to her waist and wrapped her towel around her hair, we weren't shy around each other but I suddenly felt embarrassed. She just smiled and slapped my arse, I must have looked shocked because she laughed. As I moved under the warm water she walked over to two girls who were obviously debating which of them was more ...

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