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The meeting Part 1this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1090 words) [1/5] show all parts

Author: wildandcrazycowgirl
Added: Mar 13 2012Views / Reads: 700 / 5 [1%]Part vote: 8.67 (3 votes)
I wrote this story under a diffrent name years ago, now I have changed it up a bit, for a better climax :).. This story is about a man I met online and fell in love with....

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This all started when I met a man named Troy that fuel a fire deep in me for sex and brought many sexually urges fast and furious, he had the look, the voice and those damn blue eyes were like electric currents running though me and let me mention he has a ass that fills out a very great pair of jeans. Well Troy and I talked on the phone a lot we had seen each other in pictures but never in person. We figured out we didn't live very far from each other so we agreed to meet and this is the story of our first meeting.

I knew I was lost the second Troy stepped out of that red dodge truck, he was not want I thought it was better. The first thing I noticed was those awesome blue eyes looking at me I was shaking from excitement and being nervous. He had the walk of a man with sexual confidence and the smile he gave me was one that melted my legs and made my pussy get damp right way. Troy gave me a hug and I felt his strength, his smell was intoxicating and so sexually male it had my pussy responding instantly. He asked if I wanted to get in truck since I was shaking cause I was cold. By that point all I was thinking was damn I want to kiss those full and inviting lips, I was dying to know what they felt like against mine.... Troy and I slid into the truck the sight of him was making me wild with desire and lust... he then looked me in the eyes and asked if he could kiss me.... Right then and there I almost jumped over the seat and into his arms and begged him to take me right then and there against the damn steering wheel.... But I just stupidly shook my head yes. He reached up with those manly hands so rough with his work but so ...

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