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One-Upping the Neighborsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:swingers, 9758 words)

Author: Aaron Director
Added: Mar 16 2012Views / Reads: 3884 / 3117 [80%]Story vote: 9.86 (21 votes)
Jack and Chloe get in a game of one-upmanship with their neighbors, and it gets out of hand.

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Chloe and I were just getting back from an early Friday dinner and parking in the driveway when Chris jogged over. We had lived next door to Chris and his wife, Elizabeth, for a year, but we had known them for several years, since we all found ourselves in a new city after college. That's how we found our house - we were at Chris and Liz's for a pool party, hit the open house on a lark, and made an offer the next day. Though the two houses were spacious and had large yards, the houses themselves were closer together than I would have wanted - you could almost lean out the window of one and touch the other with a broomstick. With any other neighbors, it would have been a problem, but Chris and Liz were our best friends.

"If you're free, Liz and I thought we'd have you over for dinner tomorrow," said Chris. "We haven't seen you in a while." Chris had been away on business, and while Chloe and Liz never went too long without going shopping or to the gym together, I hadn't seen either of our neighbors in weeks. "We'd love to," said Chloe. "It's a date."

Liz drove up while we were talking, and walked over to say a quick hello. She had just come from the gym - her nose and cheeks were rosy against her pale skin, and her dark hair was tied up in the tight ponytail she always wore to exercise. She was wearing a form-fitting white shirt that clung to her full breasts, and it was hard not to ...

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