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A New Season this story is part of the FanClub (fm:older women/men, 1376 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: KolKats Picture in profile
Added: Mar 21 2012Views / Reads: 3320 / 2312 [70%]Part vote: 9.25 (12 votes)
My naughty stepdaughter gets what she deserves!

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It had been about three months since how shall I put this, my interesting night with my stepdaughter Claire. Not that I had forgotten about it, having regular enjoyable flashbacks whilst doing what us men do best alone!

Arriving home from work one evening my wife informed me Claire had telephoned. Immediately my heart sank, I could feel the blood draining from my body, my initial thought being that the worst had happened and I'd got her pregnant.

"Claire needs a favour"

It turned out that Claire had phoned her mother just to ask if I could help her with some decorating, which her mother happily volunteered my services for. As it happened the long Easter weekend was coming up and as my wife had to work she'd arranged for me to visit Claire then.


Even though I wasn't sure I'd be using any of them I packed all my tools in the car and headed down to my stepdaughter's house. To my surprise she was indeed decorating and had already made a start stripping the old wallpaper. She looked really pleased to see me, and I don't just mean so she had some help with the work.


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