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Unpredictable Mrs. Mitchell pt2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4666 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Hammer23 Picture in profile
Added: Mar 22 2012Views / Reads: 3032 / 2249 [74%]Part vote: 9.54 (13 votes)
Mrs. Mitchell tries to be a good wife.

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The Unpredictable Mrs. Mitchell part 2

How did I get to be so lucky? Mrs. Mitchell had allowed me to experience a side of herself know one would ever believe she had, not even her own husband!! Mrs. Mitchell always dressed conservatively and was a devout Christian, wife, and mother. She never openly displayed her beauty or sexuality, but after seeing my hard cock at the pool, quite by coincidence, she showed me what a horny woman that needed a real good fucking was all about.

I wanted to tell Mike about what happened between us real bad, but I promised her I would tell nobody, and besides, he probably wouldn't have believed me anyway. The days following the discovery were nothing out of the ordinary. Thursday, after work I was walking home and I hoped she might pop her head out of her house again, like she did the previous day, but as I approached her house I saw Mr. Mitchell's Cadillac in the drive and knew he'd be home, probably for a week or two. In fact Mr. Mitchell was home every day the following week also, my second week on the job. I only saw Mrs. Mitchell a couple of times getting into or out of their car when they went somewhere that week. I jacked off every night thinking of that incredible woman and what happened between us. I could hardly wait to get the chance to fuck her again.

On Monday, my third week as a life guard, Mike and I decided to switch ...

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